tom's blobs

Tiny important steps

Frames within frames, each one misaligned yet all rotated around the same center. Text: "100 Days of Design", within the black middle rectangle. Text: "Day 4" broken up into "Day" and "4", sitting on adjacent edges of the next outer layer.

Today was a low energy day due to sleep deprivation. That’s not totally a bad thing. I felt too tired to stress, too slow to rush like usual. It’s nice to have a day where I work in a chill way towards some realistic goals. In fact, I got as many todo-items checked off today as ever - mostly setting up my dev ennvironment, plugin by plugin. My girlfriend said you’re doing tiny important steps. 💚

For context: as I write this, the blog is still not online. Well, it technically is, but I haven’t announced it yet. It looks, well, not very good. It’s barely a webpage, but still - I’m almost ready to give it the old shoutout. I just wanna make it look coherent and a little prettier. I’ve got my designs in Figma, they just have to be implemented. So I was researching CSS frameworks/engines/preprocessors today.

Think I’m gonna go with Tailwind for now, just because the integration with Astro is easier as of the time of writing. I’m done with set up, researching frameworks, debugging plugins.

That’s kind of it. A part of me would have liked to have gone ahead and styled this blog, like I had intended to do today. Come to think of it, I kind of veered off of that goal. Not sure why I felt that this was the day to set up my IDE. But the great thing about being thoroughly sleep-deprived - I feel too tired to be disappointed.

Off to the depths of my comfort zone: eating a sandwich and watching Ross’s Game Dungeon