tom's blobs

The CV Shuffle

The text 'Day 16' in big bold letters in front of a rectangular blackish shape, whose angles and ornamental protrusions make me think of a chest, podium or altar. Running through the letters are vertical stripes in a pinkish red, violet purple and canary yellow. Below, in thin letters of a standard reading size, the text '100 Days of Design', as if part of the dark shape.

I emphasize that I worked hard, because it felt like that: spending lot of energy to little effect, fiddling with details without being clear about the message that I want to convey. This was hard work, not smart work.

Working on a CV tends to bring out some deep-seated conflicts within me. This happens almost every time I do a redesign. I come back to some fundamental questions:

And the kicker:

The answer is probably no. But something in me is stuck and doesn’t see an alternative. Hm hm hm.

Redesigning My CV

Hyper-insecurity. A vibe of “my whole life has been a failure and I am nothing.” Skipping the ’Work Experience-section, because (feeling like) there’s no work experience worth talking about. Trying to fill in the resulting white space with something. Looking at the whole and only seeing a mess. Deciding to embrace the mess and be honest: mention depression in a section called My Story! Coming back the next day and feeling like that’s the most ridiculous and unnecessarily exhibitionistic thing in the world. Doubting the whole be-radically-honest-plan. Maybe I should rewrite everything? Maybe I should put depression in like the footer of the cover letter?

Feel ooof.