tom's blobs

Tentative Post Exploring a Change of Direction

I took a break. No coding, designing, writing, talking to people. For a while I did nothing. Not even that - I unplugged from the world of doing. A few weeks ago I felt a jolt of new energy. Since then I’ve been making music, kind of full time, kind of for the first time in my life.

And I’m enjoying it. It feels right. Like what I really want to do. But, man, I’m stressing: things like THE FUTURE and financial security make it hard to focus. I wake up anxious, I feel confused and overwhelmed, even though I’m kind of doing what I really want to do.

And so I’m dipping my toes again into the world of learning marketable skills for fun and profit. At least I have a reason to write, again.

I don’t feel like I want to keep calling this design, tho (at the time of writing, the title of this section is #100DaysOfDesign). It feels too stifling, and at the same time, too vague. Even when I was officially sailing under that flag, my actual work was making abstract art, building an app and researching a lot of web technologies. Not sure any of this qualifies as design. (I feel like for it to be design, I would be finding out what people need, as a starting point.)

So let’s rename this space, so I can talk about whatever I want, in peace. There might be more stuff about mixing, coding and plants coming :). We’ll see.

For now, we can say
goodbye 100 Days of Design, hello 100 Days of Doing Stuff.