tom's blobs

Running Behind In Small Steps

Three red and yellow dancing flame-like shapes on a black background extending upwards towards a purple circle with the text '100 Days of Design, Day 15'.

Today was one of those low-energy small-steps days: feeling sleepy and flat, so let’s just make a tiny progress in a project or two. Then I can go back to napping, again :)

So that’s what I did. Practiced some skim-reading, that was interesting. Learning that Material Design, and website-design in general, has many more things to teach me. But I felt today, that it’s time to build and implement again. I will learn as I go.

Feeling like I’m running behind. Backlog’s building up. Ideas that seemed fresh a week ago already becoming stale, buried by the flow of things. And a hunger for more creating, (more energy, more time).

Goals this week