tom's blobs

Long Day

Text: "Day 5. 100 Days of Design", cream colored, displayed in a neat little coal-black frame hanging on a reddish background, amidst impinging waves of yellow and cream.

It’s been a day. A day at the computer. A day of thousand little lessons. I must have changed course a dozen times today - realizing that what I want to do takes much more effort and care than I had thought (like converting dates in JavaScript).

In the end, I’m pretty happy with the result - the page looks presentable and all that’s left for this iteration is to change the favicon and maybe buy a domain.

But man, it’s been a long day. I got this strange feeling that comes when I spend the whole day inside, making things happen on a screen. I’ve been working on this thing in isolation for a few days now. I wanna get this baby out and let it go.

Had some sweet roasted veggies tho.