tom's blobs

Design First, Think Later

Light background. A big bold dark grey text in the center: 'Day 13'. Underneath it, comparatively tiny, a text saying '100 Days of Design', thin and underlined. A squarish double frame around all of this: the inner layer a bar of solid blue color, thick enough to be a listed character; the outer layer a gradient pattern of greys, made up of about 10 tones, repeated on each side. If you would start in a corner and go around the edge of the image it would go lightest in the corner, darker, darkest when you reach the middle of a side, lighter, lightest in the next corner, darker... and so on with each side. The overall effect reminds me of some neon-light-effects and the thick square-patterned glass I have seen on the entrance doors of old Polish apartment blocks from the Soviet-era.

One of the talks was basically urging designers to have a conscience - or at least consider the long-term consequences of their designs.

Reminded me of one of life’s most flustering clusterfucks:

“We are doing things. That’s good. But are these the right things?”

“Is our well-being the paramount factor in our decisions? What if we can’t agree on how to operationalize well-being?”

“We are growing. Great. … Growing to do what - more of the same things?”