tom's blobs

Day 18

A big messy pattern: red triangles flip-flopping in 3 horizontal lanes on a canary yellow background with smaller purple triangles between them. Some triangles are touching one another, but only at the tip. Framing the middle portion are colored bard in purple and black. A sinusoid wave seems to be running through the bigger triangles, partially cutting off their bottoms. This produces shapes that are rounded and trapezoid and gives the whole a slightly odd quality. The pattern is symmetrical left to right and sort of self-similar top to bottom. Text, in the middle, tucked into a purple bar and a protruding trapezoid: Day 18, 100 Days of Design.

Just a very steady day. I’m quite happy about the way I researched things - there was a good balance between being thorough and being done.

Not much more to say. Thinking about my weekly goals. Wanna send out an application tomorrow. Just to get things moving.