tom's blobs

Words on a Page

Rectangles within rectangles. An assymetrical composition using a palette of greys and a single marine blue. Fields of color take on the meaning of borders thanks to the fields they contain. Text in the blue field: '100 Days of Design'. Text within a stack of grey frames on top of the blue field: 'Day 12'

Feels like a productive day. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t finish this CV design - but man, arranging words on a page can be hard!

Nothing much more to say, it seems. My head just wants to solve these layout-challenges - do I emphasize this heading with font size, font weight, background color or all of the above? I wanna keep it minimal but then I also wanna have a color shade between these other 2 colors, so I can… etc. thimgs b complex (tm)

Now that I think about it, in the next session I might take all the colors out and just focus on the arrangement and information hierarchy. Unfuck the cluster I kind of got myself into and work in greyscale for a while. I love it bright and saturated, but I also like it simple and doable :). And I can always add colors later. (Credit for my ex-co-worker Felix for telling me about this tactic and for Refactoring UI for introducing it to us (I keep mentioning this book, because it’s the only hands-on design book I’ve read. I’m not affiliated with them)