tom's blobs

Before the Almost

A squarish image, the creamy light background melting into the background of the page. A series of concentric blobs using this week's color palette - from outside in: canary yellow, fleshy red, a very dark brown they call old burgundy and in the middle the same creamy color as the background. Text - "Day 7" giant and stretched, hovering like a blimp at the top of the image, behind the blobs. Text - "100 Days of Design", the words neatly stacked in the bottom right corner.

This is like the third day (3 day) where I’m thinking ‘ok, I’m gonna announce this thing tomorrow’. (I have worked on this blog for a week but haven’t announced it yet.) But I can see now, even tho I’m doing progress, and I’ve ticked off several items from my list of essentials for launch today, I’ve also added several more. I think it’s good enough tho (and as I write this, something profoundly disagrees). It is tho. It’s gonna get published tomorrow, on a fresh monday.

Apart from that, I don’t know, I’m feeling morose. The work progresses, but it also consumes. I want some sunlight on my face.