tom's blobs


A list of days to the left: Day 15, Day 16... Day 20. These have a checkmark to the right. On the top is Day 21, unchecked. Thick gold-colored bars frame the sides of the list. A slightly darker, wheat-colored bar runs through the middle of the list from top to bottom, filling the space between the days and the checkmarks. Text, extending through this bar into a blue bar at the bottom: 100 Days of Design.

Hm, not much to say, it seems. I’ve been sitting here thinking of stuff with my mouth agape for literal minutes. Can there ever be nothing to say or have I just classified everything that came in this time as not worth saying… (or too spicy for publication)? hm hm

The day has been moderately productive. I’m struck with a feeling of being in a slog tho, like, having been in a slog for weeks. Mb I need a win, something I can say is DONE? Yeah, that rings true. But how to accomplish that when every project is just another rabbit hole that goes deeper and deeper?

I kind of feel suffocated by my worky-designy projects. I haven’t made any music for weeks and I miss it. When I’m finished working in the evening, I just wanna lie down and rest. There’s no screen-energy left in me. No doing-energy, at all, in fact.

I’ve been here before, as well: working on solo projos for weeks at a time, treating them like a 9-5 job, feeling more and more exhausted, like I’m treading water… until I finally collapse 😮‍💨 and unplug with a feeling of burnout, “ready to reassess” (and never come back to that project again). Mb I secretly don’t want to do these projects? Mb I’m investing the wrong kind of energy into them and exerting myself as a result?

Again, I don’t exactly know. But it does feel like I’m going deeper this time - into the discomfort, if nothing else. I wanna see what’s in there.

About the realization I mentioned yesterday (Day 20): I kind of realized that I don’t really enjoy fiddling with computers/technology at a certain level. And it feels freeing, like a weight off my shoulders. I feel like this in the moments when I accept some sort of limitation about myself: I don’t have to keep trying to see if I like\am\can do this thing - I know that I don’t\am not\can not.

Now I’m a little freer to do the things I might actually enjoy.